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Meet 2024 Summer Associate Gavin Dacier

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Ward and Smith's 2024 Summer Associate Program is off to an excellent start, as six exceptional local law students have joined us for hands-on experience alongside our esteemed attorneys.

Our immersive six-week program empowers these aspiring lawyers to hone their legal skills and gain unparalleled insights into the fascinating world of law. As they refine their abilities, we are eager to showcase these rising stars in our "Meet the Summer Associate" series.

Get to Know Gavin Dacier

Gavin Dacier

Hometown: Marvin, NC
School: Campbell Law School – 1L

What do you like to do in your downtime when you're not studying?

I enjoy running, watching sports, and attending music festivals.

What is your favorite movie?

Django Unchained

What is your favorite book?

To Kill a Mockingbird

What is your favorite food?


Where is your favorite vacation spot?

Kiawah Island

If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be?


If you knew you could try anything and not fail, what dream would you pursue?

Ending global poverty

What is something people would be surprised to know about you?

I'm a black belt in Taekwondo.

Why do you want to be an attorney?

I want to be an attorney so that I can help people in their most critical times of need, and also to provide assistance to creators and innovators in need of legal expertise.

What sparked your interest in law?

My interest in law was sparked in college, and I decided to go to law school after working for a technology company that specialized in legal software.

What is the hardest part of law school?

The hardest part of law school is balancing class and study time with personal time and a successful wellness routine.

What are you most excited to learn during your time here at Ward and Smith?

I'm excited to learn more about the intricacies of the patent lifecycle, from application to prosecution licensing and more!

Where do you see yourself in five years?

I see myself assisting clients with intellectual property matters and helping creators protect and monetize their IP.

What's the best advice someone has given you?

The best advice I ever received was to be kind to everyone. Kindness is infectious and extremely powerful.

Describe yourself in three words.

Kind, curious, and ambitious.

If you were famous, what would you be famous for?

Cooking on social media.

Western or Eastern barbecue? And why?

Eastern, acidity > sweetness.

If you were to create a slogan for your life, what would the slogan be?

Be yourself.

Ward and Smith's 2024 Summer Associate Program ends on June 21. Click here to explore our program.

Meet our 2024 Summer Associates

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