When a lender suspects that its borrower is in danger of default, or when the borrower defaults on its obligations, we counsel our clients in the most effective methods of curing defective loan documentation or structuring a loan workout. We also negotiate the restructuring of real estate and corporate transactions on behalf of our clients, with an eye to avoiding bankruptcy where possible.
Additionally, we draft all documentation necessary for a loan restructuring and workout, tailoring documents to place our clients in the most secure position possible. In those situations where a client finds itself sued or threatened with suit by a borrower, we counsel and defend our clients against the plethora of lender liability claims under state and federal law.
Ward and Smith's workouts and restructuring practice has earned national recognition from Chambers USA.
Don't hesitate to contact us to see how our team can assist you. Contact one of our Creditors' Rights attorneys at (800) 998-1102.
We are your established legal network with offices in Asheville, Greenville, New Bern, Raleigh, and Wilmington, NC.