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Now Playing 'Works for Me' Episode 3: Unlawful Employee Terminations

"When it comes to employment, consistency is a virtue."

- Grant Osborne
Labor and Employment Attorney

In the third episode of "Works for Me," Ward and Smith's labor and employment attorneys Will Oden and Grant Osborne, alongside Nina Pirrotti of Garrison, Levin-Epstein, Fitzgerald & Pirrotti, P.C. tackle the issue of unlawful employee termination from both the employer and employee sides. Specifically, pay close attention to what the panel has to say about at-will employment, reasons an employer can fire someone, and what you can do if you've been terminated unlawfully.

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The North Carolina Bar Association's Labor and Employment Section produces the "Works for Me" podcast to help educate and inform employers and employees about their legal rights and responsibilities. Please make sure you subscribe. It's available on AppleAndroidSoundcloudRSS.


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