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Ward and Smith Supports Ronald McDonald House Telethon

Close up of telephone keypad

A phone call can help support critically ill or injured children and their families this Friday, August 2. 

The Ronald McDonald House of Eastern North Carolina ("RMHENC") is teaming up with WNCT for an all-day telethon to benefit both RMHENC locations in Greenville. Last year, the 2nd Annual RMH Telethon raised $23,000, and this year, organizers have set a new target of $25,000. Ward and Smith is proud to lend its support to help the non-profit meet its new goal.

The phone lines will not open until 6 a.m. on Friday, but you can also donate online here. Just $10 can support a family for one night, and $70 can support them for a whole week. 

The Ronald McDonald House provides a home-away-from-home, support, and access to medical care for families of children receiving treatment from area medical facilities. Since 1987, the RMHENC has had more than 28,6000 admissions. 



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