Ward and Smith has just launched InterAction, a customer relationship management application that allows the firm to track information about people, companies, relationships, matters, and experience. This centralized system will enable the firm to uncover the unique and complex connections that exist between people and companies. This insight will help the firm leverage current client data to uncover new business opportunities, streamline the proposal process, and improve client outreach.
"Ward and Smith has always had a 'clients first' attitude, and an iron-clad commitment to client service. Along those lines, our firm has made a strategic investment in InterAction. We think it will bring us even closer to our clients, and help us communicate with them efficiently about the issues that matter to them the most," said Charles Collins, Director of IT for Ward and Smith.
Sara Oglesby, the firm's Business Intelligence Coordinator, said, "This is a game-changer for us. With InterAction data at our attorney's fingertips, on their phones, and fully networked, each person has the knowledge and the power of the whole at their disposal."
Ken Wooten, Co-managing Director of Ward and Smith, continued, "Our teamwork culture supports all client work being handled by the best attorney for the job. In a culture where things like origination credits and hours credited are very important, this would not likely be the case. Here at Ward and Smith, we don't track originations, and don't give credit for time spent. We form teams easily, as no one has any other interest outside of doing what is best for our client. The information-sharing that is built into InterAction fits our unique culture very well. I expect everyone will use it daily."
The firm rollout took place in November. Additional InterAction team members included Chris Cardy, Bryan McDonald, and Bill Leary, all of Lexis Nexis, and Laura Hudson, Ward and Smith's Marketing and Business Development Director.