Upholding Legal Excellence with Faith: The McIntyre-Whichard Mentorship Program's Expansion

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The prestigious McIntyre-Whichard Legal Fellows Mentorship Program has spread its wings beyond UNC School of Law to include Campbell Law School and North Carolina Central School of Law.

Mike McIntyreLaw students, joined by a remarkable array of attorneys, judges, law professors, and public servants who have graciously served as mentors, recently gathered to mark the end of this year-long program.

 "This expansion highlights the commitment of the program to nurturing a new generation of legal faith leaders who embody principles of service, integrity, and professionalism," proclaimed Mike McIntyre, the program's co-founder and Ward and Smith's Senior Advisor for Government Relations and Economic Development. "With its extended reach across these institutions, the program is poised to have an even greater impact on shaping the landscape of the legal community in North Carolina and beyond."

Developed in 2016 in collaboration with former N.C. Supreme Court Justice Willis Whichard, the McIntyre-Whichard Legal Fellows Mentorship Program seeks to provide invaluable support and guidance to law students from diverse backgrounds through the power of mentorship. At its core, the program focuses on three guiding principles: 

Community: Fostering a sense of community and belonging through strong, personal connections between Christian law student "Fellows" and experienced attorneys. 

Counsel: Pairing Fellows with forward-thinking and principled legal professionals who can share their wisdom, insights, and practical experience in navigating the intricacies of being a Christian lawyer. 

Calling: Connecting aspiring lawyers with role models who can guide and encourage them as they discern God's calling in their lives and careers. 

"In upholding the law, it is imperative that we also uphold our faith, for it serves as the very foundation of justice and community service," emphasized McIntyre. "This principle is at the heart of the McIntyre-Whichard Legal Fellows Program, which strives to instill integrity, passion, and excellence in the hearts and minds of tomorrow's legal leaders." 

Those who would like to apply for the program or become a mentor should visit the McIntyre-Whichard Legal Fellows Mentorship Program website.

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