Creditors' rights attorney Paul Fanning is sharing his insights with business owners facing the possibility of bankruptcy for the first time due to COVID-19.
He is one of 16 presenters in the "Bankruptcy and Small Business: A Practical Course for Newcomers." Wake Forest Law and Thomson Reuters have teamed up to offer this 15-hour CLE that is divided into five programs.
- A Guide to Small Business Reorganizations and Liquidations
- A Practical Guide to Subchapter V
- Sole Proprietors in Chapter 13
- Family Farm Bankruptcy Under Chapter 12
- Bankruptcy Liquidation in Chapter 7
These programs were designed to provide legal, accounting, and business professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary to help small business owners navigate the post-COVID economy.
The first program introduces the concepts and tools generally available in any bankruptcy case — regardless of the type of debtor or the type of relief sought. These tools can help clients keep their businesses alive and growing, or they can help clients close their business efficiently. The four subsequent programs begin with broad overviews of the types of bankruptcy available to small businesses and narrow to specific, but commonly encountered topics and issues.
The "Bankruptcy and Small Business: A Practical Course for Newcomers" is free and available on demand. The program is targeted at attorneys, small business owners, accountants, paralegals, and other experienced professionals.