Media Mention: Mike McIntyre Featured in Attorney at Law Magazine's Legal Legacy Issue

Ward and Smith attorney Mike McIntyre has been featured in the inaugural Legal Legacy special edition of Attorney at Law Magazine, a national publication highlighting lawyers with strong family legacies in the practice of law. 

McIntyre, a former U.S. Congressman, was recognized alongside his sons, Josh and Stephen, for their shared dedication to the legal profession. The feature explores McIntyre’s career, from his time in public service to his work at Ward and Smith, where he continues to make a lasting impact in the legal community.

Joshua, Mike, and Stephen McIntyreMcIntyre serves as a senior adviser at Ward and Smith in Raleigh, NC. His son Joshua is an attorney and senior director for outreach at North Carolina Advocates for Justice, while Stephen is an attorney at McIntyre Law Office in Lumberton, NC. Reflecting on his family’s legal legacy, McIntyre shared: 

I was thrilled that both of my sons chose to go into law. It is truly amazing that they are also married to lawyers – Sarah Hill McIntyre, a family lawyer, and Angelica Chavis McIntyre, the Chief Judge of the District Court for Robeson County. As I often share with law students in the McIntyre-Whichard Legal Fellows mentorship program, a career in the law offers a wide variety of choices, and my two sons and two daughters-in-law are examples of the various opportunities available inasmuch as each of them have a different type of legal career. 

When my sons were growing up, they often talked with me about the types of cases I had, which were quite varied since I had a small-town general civil practice. When I ran for Congress, they campaigned with us, participated in strategy sessions and attended the debates. They saw first-hand how a legal background was so valuable when running for and serving in public office. They both won merit scholarships to UNC as undergrads and went on to UNC Law School, following the same path with which I had been blessed.

To read more about Mike McIntyre and his family’s legal journey, visit Attorney at Law Magazine’s Legal Legacy special edition.

Editor's Note: As of March, Sarah Hill McIntyre has joined the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as an attorney.

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