The North Carolina State Bar Journal profiled attorney Greg Peacock in its Winter 2021 edition.
The Q&A style format delved into Greg's career as a board certified specialist in elder law and estate planning and probate law. Here are a few highlights from the article:
Q: What was your path to board certification in these practice areas?
When I was working as a trust officer at First Citizen’s Bank, I dealt with financial issues, but also began learning about the legal issues involved with trust administration. I realized that I enjoyed the legal issues more than the financial aspects of the position. That led me to law school, and even though I considered other types of legal work, my background was a great foundation for my work in estate planning law at Ward and Smith. Over time, we realized that there was a need in Eastern North Carolina for legal assistance in elder law as well. That seemed like a natural fit for my practice, so I began to handle those matters, adding the elder law certification when I was eligible.
Q: How is certification important in your practice areas?
Very few lawyers practice elder law and the need for qualified counsel can be critical. Frequently the clients have fear and insecurity about the future as they are facing important medical, financial, or housing issues. They can be gratified to hear that there are legal avenues that they can take as they make decisions that will protect their families and their assets. Practicing elder law can be very rewarding.
Q: Are there any hot topics in your specialty areas right now?
Yes, as we adjust to a new administration, there are tax law changes that are impacting our clients and additional, pending changes that could have tremendous impact by the end of the year. We have been busy working with clients to educate them on options to use their estate and gift tax exemptions before they are lowered.
We have also seen the impact of the booming North Carolina economy on our clients over the past few years. We are now assisting clients who operate family businesses as they receive offers from large companies or out of state investors. This has brought significant wealth and liquid assets to our state and is changing the landscape around us.
You can read the entire article right now online. The interview starts on page 29 and continues on page 57.