The North Carolina State Bar Council reappointed Laura Hudson, Ward and Smith's Chief Marketing Officer, to a second term on the Board of Legal Specialization.
Her term started on August 1, 2020, and will end on July 31, 2023.
The North Carolina State Bar formed the Board of Legal Specialization in 1983 to create a method in which qualified North Carolina lawyers might become certified as specialists in designated areas of the law. Currently, it certifies lawyers in 13 areas of law: appellate practice, bankruptcy law, criminal law (including juvenile delinquency), elder law, estate planning and probate law, family law, immigration law, privacy and information security law, real property law, social security disability law, trademark law, utilities law and workers' compensation law. The North Carolina program is one of only 19 state legal certification programs in the country.
Laura oversees the firm's strategic marketing, communications, and business development efforts. She has more than 20 years of legal marketing experience. She has served on several industry boards, most notably on the international board of the Legal Marketing Association, and is also the founder of the LMA Raleigh City Group. Laura has a Yellow Belt certification in Legal Lean Sigma® and Project Management from the Legal Lean Sigma Institute.