What's the difference between copyright and trademark? How can I protect my works of art?
Those questions and much more will be asked and answered at the Arts + Law: Trademark, Copyright, and Intellectual Property Law workshop on November 18 at 6:30 p.m. at The Pit in Chapel Hill. Ward and Smith's Intellectual Property attorney Erica Rogers will join Ed Timberlake of Timberlake Law for an open discussion regarding legal issues affecting creative work, including, but not limited to:
- Do I have to do anything to copyright my work?
- Can I use an image/song/article in my work, or do I have to ask permission?
- What is in the public domain?
- What goes into creating a great trademark? How can you choose the right trademark?
This workshop is designed for anyone who does creative work, works with the creative works of others, or at some point will run into a situation that will require some knowledge of what intellectual property is and isn’t.
Tickets are $10 and can be purchased here. The Arts + Law: Trademark, Copyright, and Intellectual Property Law is part of the CreativeOrange Learn Series from Orange County Arts Commission in partnership with Triangle ArtWorks.