Attorney Eldridge Dodson has received a Graduate Certificate in Gerontology from the University of Southern California (USC).
Earning the certification means Eldridge completed courses in USC's graduate program designed to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills to assist and advocate for the aging adult population.
According to the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, North Carolina ranks ninth in the nation in the number of people 65 and over. As of 2019, the state has more people over the age of 59 than under 18. Sadly, the needs of a lot of those aging adults will be often overlooked, underserved, or dismissed, Eldridge noted.
"As a Trusts and Estates attorney, I have seen many clients who don't have an adequate support system in place," remarked Eldridge. "That's why it's very important to me to make sure they have proper representation and guidance beyond just the legal standpoint. My degree in gerontology gives me a better understanding of how to help my clients successfully plan for their changing needs as they age."
Even with the completion of her certificate, Eldridge isn't done with her gerontology studies. She plans to continue to take courses to enhance her service to her clients.
Eldridge is a North Carolina Board Certified Specialist in Estate Planning and Probate Law with years of experience assisting all types of clients in drafting and implementing estate plans, including estate, gift and generation skipping transfer tax planning, and also provides counsel to executors and trustees in administering estates and trusts.
Her expertise in estate planning and gerontology uniquely qualifies her to assist her clients.